Water Pumps and Wells
In 2009 the Lord started to take Driekus on a journey of water pump designing. At first he had no idea where this journey would be taking him.
The first pump failed to deliver a single drop of water, but it delivered a whole lot of valuable lessons and technical information.
Today there is a new cylinder completed and tested to be able to deliver water from a depth of 30 meters, but our aim is to work towards deeper wells also.
Having fun with the local villagers at Gogozembe after repairing a well.
We have started digging our first well at Ruhatwe. We made slow progress at first, then after making some alterations to our digging bit, we managed to get down to 4 meters. We have encountered a gravel bed which has made digging difficult, so we have made a new bit for digging in gravel.
Watch this space for some updates....