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Children's Ministry

The core of the work that Annine was doing was children's ministry. Annine was absolutely passionate about this and had done work with children extensively in the past, in Mozambique.


On Saturday mornings Annine had been having a Bible lesson with a group of about thirty children on our verandah.

Annine had been making use of volunteers because her Swahili is not at the level where she can comfortably hold the lessons, but we would like to keep this group of children learning and growing, so we have asked these volunteers to help us continue this work.

It is also very appropriate that Annine was buried on the church property in Ruhatwe where there is a pre-school that she had also begun to get involved in.


A fund will be set up in early 2023 which will have the focus of training children's ministry workers, and equipping them to continue with this amazing task.

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